Friday 20 December 2013

UQ Holder Chapter 16 SPOILER Images (Update #3!)

Here is the first SPOILER image from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 16, courtesy of the VERY gracious Southrop.

**********UQ HOLDER CHAPTER 16 SPOILERS**********

The chapter 16 sweetness begins.^_^

Apparently, a lack of footwear is important in performing shundo. Yeah, don't recall that element being an item in Negima! ^_^;

That's it for the moment. If there are more, I'll make an update. ^_^

Update #1: Kuroumaru.

Update #2: Kuroumaru is apparently without gender as a member of the crow tribe until 16.

As an aside, while I had thought Kuroumaru might be karasu-tengu based on the whole "I look female, Karin says I'm female, but I'm actually male," having Kuroumaru actually be gender neutral (sexless) was an earlier thought of mine.

If more UQ Holder chapter 16 spoiler images come up, I'll make additional update(s).

Update #3: These should be the last of the chapter 16 spoilers.

Thanks again to Southrop, who just lost his beard, for providing these. He has spoiler notes for UQ Holder 16 for those interested.

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