Monday 16 December 2013

KILL la KILL- 11 (Continue to expect the unexpected!)

キルラキル ep. 11


Ryuuko gets the better on Nonon and decides to go right after Satsuki, but Nonon recovers and prevents Ryuuko from getting to her. Ryuuko appears to have defeated Nonon after their next clash, but as Satsuki notes, Ryuuko has underestimated Nonon. Ira is pleased when Nonon returns for an encore, causing Senketsu to have difficulty communing with Ryuuko and cannot overcome the noise. Ryuuko focuses on communing solely with Senketsu and drowning out Nonon.With Senketsu now able to hear Ryuuko, she turns Nonon's attack back on Nonon, eventually defeating her. Nonon heads to the stands with Ira, Mako, and Houka. Meanwhile, Satsuki's Mom heads out after revealing she's aware of certain things going on.

Uzu comes down to fight Ryuuko, but a blonde girl without a Goku uniform gets in the way, easily stopping Uzu, who ignores Satsuki's urgent warning to get out of there, and defeats him with a single finger by severing his "nexus thread", shocking the other Elite members. The girl, HARIME Nui (Grand Couturier), causes concern to Mikisugi-sensei and Tsumugu. Nui makes a show of getting permission from "Satsuki-sama" to fight Ryuuko, which Ryuuko has no problem with. Satsuki has to sit, where her butler serves her tea. She realizes her mother is involved in this and that it is in Ryuuko's hands now. Ryuuko is surprised by Nui, but when Nui pulls out a scissor sword and confesses to killing Ryuuko's father, Ryuuko loses it.


Heh! I had thought that Ryuuko and Satsuki would end up on the same side. That's not there just yet, but clearly, Satsuki is relying on Ryuuko to deal with a Nui.  More on this in a bit.

I rather enjoyed how untroubled Satsuki was when Ryuuko went after her. She didn't really show any emotion to anything Nonon did, but either she felt that her Kamui would protect her, or that there was no way that Nonon would fail to intervene. I prefer to see it as the later one since Satsuki clearly understood Nonon.  I did like that Ryuuko went after Satsuki when the window opened. ^_^

The use of the encore as a means of Nonon not being defeated made me laugh. Again, these unexpected elements is one of the things I like about this series.

Again, Nudist Beach's fear of Senketsu is not making a lot of sense due to a lack of information. Yes, Ryuuko and Senketsu are getting more powerful as they come up with strategies to overcome situations, but that's apparently a bad thing to Nudist Beach. Maybe we'll find out why down the road.

I also laughed at Uzu's fight with Ryuuko being thwarted a second time. If what I suspect is true, I doubt Ryuuko and Uzu will ever square off again in a serious way as they have in their previous encounters.

This brings me back to Nui. At the moment, I have no reason to believe that she's not telling the truth about being the one to kill Ryuuko's father. She has the scissor sword, easily confesses to the crime, and is so skilled, the 3-star Goku robes are nothing to her. Indeed, Nui is so strong, she doesn't wear anything but her cutesie, idol outfit.

I'd previously speculated that maybe Nudist Beach would be the ultimate villains in this series and that still may be the case. However, at the moment, I think that the army Satsuki is trying to raise is for use against her family, specifically her mother. I base this on Nui being tied to Satsuki's mother, and Satsuki having the negative reaction to Nui, as if she could thwart Satsuki's plans.

Anyway, the unexpected elements here are fun, and the plot keeps me interested as well. Looking forward to more.

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