Tuesday 24 December 2013

Best Laid Plans - Anime Blog 3.0 News

Hey everyone!  Just a quick posts because my plans for my new blog have changed somewhat. ^_^; I had planned to flip the switch in a couple of weeks after revealing the Beta version of the new blog. Unfortunately, I've discovered that if anyone makes new comments on the Blogger blog, I'd have to manually migrate them over, which is more work than I want to do.

So, I'm going to be flipping the switch tomorrow, if all goes according to plan. Anyone linking to astronerdboy.blogspot.com will simply be automatically redirected to the new blog. If I've done everything properly, then whatever page you tried to access on the old blog will go immediately to that same page on the new blog.

This will mean that the new blog will still be in a Beta form, which means that there are nearly 3000 posts I have to go through and tweak images as well as set a featured image for each post. The newest ones will be corrected first, but I'll move my way back slowly. ^_^

In addition to updating the various post images, my brother is working on a new background image, which hopefully will me a nifty use of my Junpei-kun screenshot from Those Who Hunt Elves 2 way back in the day.

So, where's my new blog?


Oh, and if you see a red square at the bottom left of the new blog, or a red rectangle in the upper left, don't worry about that. ^_^

Go ahead and test out the new blog. 

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