Wednesday 13 November 2013

Hayate the Combat Butler Manga Chapter 429 (Product placement anyone? How about some Georgia Max Coffee?)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku Chapter 429 Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

With the doujinshi event now over, the exhausted Ruka and Nagi sit in folding chairs back to back and discuss the situation. Ruka's remark that she didn't think Nagi would sell 100 copies of her doujinshi causes Nagi to think that Ruka threw the contest, since Ruka only sold 99. Ruka denies this and blames the weird mask she wore, stating that folks would rather buy from a cute girl than someone in a bizarre mask.

Ruka claims victory on manga quality, so Nagi asks if she wants another contest. Ruka agrees, but says they'll have to do it in ten years. Ruka says that during that time, she'll focus on being an idol, since the life of an idol is limited, after which she return to the world of manga. Ruka holds out her hand and says that Nagi will probably be a successful manga-ka in ten years, so she asks Nagi to wait for her to join Nagi. Nagi says that there's no way she's waiting, vowing to be so far ahead of Ruka, Ruka won't be able to see Nagi's back. This causes Ruka to smile.

Chiharu returns from taking out the trash and has canned coffee for everyone. She asks Nagi how it feels to sell out, to which Nagi responds that it is the best feeling ever. Ruka tells Chiharu of their plans to do this again in ten years, so Chiharu promises to help again then.

Outside, Kurosu and Hayate chat about Ruka's parents and the positive outcome for Ruka. Kurosu asks if Hayate will reconcile with his own parents. He says that is impossible since they'd never change nor feel sorry for what they'd done, unlike Ruka's parents. However, Hayate does express a desire to meet his older brother again, whom he has not seen in ten years. When Hayate describes him, Kurosu appears to recognize him.


This was a nice aftermath chapter, where once again, Hata-sensei didn't worry about trying to ramrod gags into the chapter just for the sake of gags.

I got a little kick out of Ruka teasing Nagi, subtly making Nagi aware that Ruka threw the match. Ruka's excuse for not selling one additional copy being the mask amused me as well since it kept Nagi off balance.

I wonder if Hata-sensei will do some artwork showing Nagi and Ruka ten years from now doing another doujinshi contest. I rather doubt that would make it into the regular manga, but it could be omake work of some kind.

Hata-sensei's dropping Hayate's older brother back into the mix was something I'd not expected. He's been forgotten about for a long time, but obviously, Hata-sensei has his notes for plot threads that need addressing. ^_~

Speaking of which, Kurosu is turning out to be a character brought in just to move plot threads forward. She was responsible for moving Ruka's story to a conclusion, and now it appears she'll be the one to reintroduce Hayate with his brother. I rather doubt Hata-sensei jumps right into that story, but it will have to be done before the Athena story can advance, as I see it.

One final thought -- product placement anyone? *lol* Georgia Max Coffee is something I don't think is sold in the U.S. at all (I know Pacific Mercantile sells some canned coffees, but not Georgia products), but it is big in Japan.  Using real products never bothers me, but the focus on the product combined with it not being a parody version makes me think that this might be a product placement.

In the end, a nice aftermath chapter with the groundwork of the next arc being laid out. I expect Hata-sensei to do gag chapters now, but I could be very wrong about that.

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