Sunday 10 November 2013

Hana Doki Kira Kickstarter

I'm not in any way associated with the Hana Doki Kira, nor the Kickstarter element for it, but as a community service of sorts (not to make a habit of this), I'm posting Annie Stoll's request (personal elements redacted).
My name is Annie Stoll. I'm a graphic designer/artist and member of the Year 85 Group, which consists of six girls with a passion for Shōjo comics. We've put together a comics and Illustration anthology called Hana Doki Kira ( ) showcasing 26 diverse and talented artists who are inspired by the Shōjo genre.

We're kickstartering to make a limited run of books, but also to give back to the artists who helped create it as well as donate copies to libraries, anime clubs, and girls clubs. It would be fantastic if you could review and post or tweet about our project. We've been successful in raising 2/3 of our goal in less than a week, but now it's crunchtime to meet our $9500 goal by the end of November (so every bit of exposure we can get helps!).

If you'd like to learn more, you can check out Hana Doki Kira on kickstarter or view our press release/resources on dropbox.

Thanks so much for checking us out and considering our story.
~Annie Stoll

Since Annie sent this to me, they are much closer to their goal, but even if they make their goal, everything above and beyond would probably be put to good use.  Check it out and if you like what you see there, by all means support it. ^_^

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