Friday 15 November 2013

Akamatsu-sensei's "UQ Holder" Gets Jabbed in Kumeta-sensei's "Sekkachi Hakushaku to Jikan Dorobou"

KUMETA Kouji-sensei, probably best known as the manga-ka of the popular series Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei, has recently started a new manga series, titled Sekkachi Hakushaku to Jikan Dorobou. In his second chapter, he goes after AKAMATSU Ken-sensei's new manga, UQ Holder. Apparently, Kumeta-sensei isn't a fan of Akamatsu-sensei and has jabbed him a few times in Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei.

For those who don't know, UQ Holder is the sequel to Negima! UQ Holder is about a group of immortals, of whom Eva, the shinso vampire in Negima!, is a member. Eva has been the guardian to a boy named Touta, who has recently become an immortal vampire.  Touta is an oblivious character who has certain thoughts on how things should be and that's that. One of his dreams is to one day get to the top of the space elevator (tower), which could be seen in the distance from his rural village.

It is this premise that Kumeta-sensei pokes fun of in chapter 2 of Sekkachi Hakushaku to Jikan Dorobou (no translation needed to get the visual gag).

But, Kumeta-sensei doesn't stop there. According to Hata (Negima!/UQ Holder fan extraordinaire), Kumeta-sensei goes after the fact that the first chapter of UQ Holder was 82 pages; he jabs the whole immortality concept that is the basis of UQ Holder, and he apparently cracks about the female lead (I'm guessing Yukihime, but those who can read Japanese can correct me). I'm not sure which chapter(s) these shots come from, but here are the pages.


Anyway, I found this rather amusing. I'm not sure how serious this thing is between Kumeta-sensei and Akamatsu-sensei. If anyone has more info, do share in the comments. ^_^

Update: This information comes from Hata regarding the conflict.

Ken and Kumita never knew each other well, in fact, according to Ken, he NEVER talked to Kumita once, even if sometimes chances present itself during the year end Kodansha party, the only connection they shared is the friendship with Hayate's Hata sensei, (Hata being the assistant to Kumita once.) they both refer to each other on BBS/twitter as "that guy/jerk", (yaru) and the interests are all one sided from Kumita, pretty much acts like a stalker in his reference to things related to Ken,

basically Kumita since the days of Love Hina never fail to troll Ken whenever he could, the most likely reason general public can come out with is he is jealous at Ken being a life winner, (otaku being a successful, rich mangaka marry to a young, pretty, cosplay wife.) Kumita himself never give a reason for his actions.

contray to public belief, Ken said he is not mad at Kumita, and Kumita also had extend free promotion such as for Ken's wife failed cosplay photo salon.

you can read all about it by google both names together, this is well known to most people follow either mangaka.赤松健

H/T: Hata ^_^

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