Tuesday 24 December 2013

Hayate the Combat Butler Manga Chapter 434 (Time for some new playing cards!)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku 
Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 434 Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Miki announces to Risa and Izumi that's she's revolutionized playing cards. Risa opens a pack and discovers half of the cards are transparent, which Izumi finds funny since it would mess up a game like poker. Risa suddenly gets how this would revolutionize poker, but since Izumi doesn't get it, Risa and Miki make fun of her.

After a demonstration hand between Risa and Izumi, Miki says that this added level of strategy to the game of poker is what makes it revolutionary. Hina shows up and finds this interesting, so when she agrees to try out the cards in a poker game, Miki decides there should be real stakes. If Hina loses, she has to strip. After being goaded into accepting, Miki decides that Izumi will strip upon any loss of Miki's.

Hina wins the first hand to the irritation of Miki, so Izumi is forced to remove her panties. Hina wins again based on having read Miki's transparent cards and knowing what had been discarded, therefore she didn't fall for Miki's bluff. Izumi is forced to strip again, leading to the third and final hand. Miki draws a full house, but Hina has a royal flush, leading Miki to believe that Hina has to be cheating. To Risa's amazement, Izumi strips completely while Miki challenges Hina again.


Har! Well, Hata-sensei kept us guessing on when he'd throw down the old gag chapters. Not that there was anything special to this one, but it was OK.

I liked Hata-sensei's admission on the chapter's splash page that this was a blatant marketing ploy for the new playing cards that are being sold with the LE edition of volume 39.

I will say this -- once again, I find myself missing the older character designs for Hayate the Combat Butler. Hina and the others looked much cuter before than they do now.

Beyond that, there's nothing to say. As a gag chapter, it wasn't that funny. It was mildly amusing.

Hayate the Combat Butler is on another break next week as Weekly Shounen Sunday is on another break.  It would be awesome if the manga returned to the plot rather than launch into more gag chapters.

Best Laid Plans - Anime Blog 3.0 News

Hey everyone!  Just a quick posts because my plans for my new blog have changed somewhat. ^_^; I had planned to flip the switch in a couple of weeks after revealing the Beta version of the new blog. Unfortunately, I've discovered that if anyone makes new comments on the Blogger blog, I'd have to manually migrate them over, which is more work than I want to do.

So, I'm going to be flipping the switch tomorrow, if all goes according to plan. Anyone linking to astronerdboy.blogspot.com will simply be automatically redirected to the new blog. If I've done everything properly, then whatever page you tried to access on the old blog will go immediately to that same page on the new blog.

This will mean that the new blog will still be in a Beta form, which means that there are nearly 3000 posts I have to go through and tweak images as well as set a featured image for each post. The newest ones will be corrected first, but I'll move my way back slowly. ^_^

In addition to updating the various post images, my brother is working on a new background image, which hopefully will me a nifty use of my Junpei-kun screenshot from Those Who Hunt Elves 2 way back in the day.

So, where's my new blog?


Oh, and if you see a red square at the bottom left of the new blog, or a red rectangle in the upper left, don't worry about that. ^_^

Go ahead and test out the new blog. 

Monday 23 December 2013

Fairy Tail Manga Volume 33 Review

Fairy Tail Volume 33 Review

--> Purchase from RAKUTEN (formerly BUY.COM)
--> Purchase from BARNES & NOBLE
--> Purchase from RIGHTSTUF!
--> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Japanese tankoubon) 
(Note: The LE edition of Fairy Tail Volume 33 is sold out.) 


Highlights from Fairy Tail Volume 33 begin with Fairy Tail throwing a loud party despite having done so poorly in the games. Natsu (Fairy Tail A), Gajeel (Fairy Tail B), and Sting (Saber Tooth) all suffer from motion sickness, the curse of the Dragon Slayer, and do poorly in the next competition. Kurohebi (Raven Tail) defeats Toby (Lamia Scale) in a battle. Elfman (Fairy Tail A) is chosen to battle Bacchus (Quarto Cerberus), where Elfman defeats him by taking on a spiked, lizard man form, causing Bacchus to damage himself to the point of losing. Mirajane (Fairy Tail B) battles Jenny (Lamia Scale), conceding to do a swimsuit competition, then switches it to a battle which Mira easily wins.

Kagura (Mermaid Heel) defeats Celestial Mage Yukino (Saber Tooth), causing Saber Tooth's master to humiliate Yukino in front of the guild before throwing her out. Yukino pays Lucy a visit, offering up her two Golden Keys (Pisces and Libra), but Lucy refuses since Yukino does care about her spirits. Millianna surprises Erza with a visit, revealing she's in Mermaid Heel and that she and Kagura want Jellal, whom Erza had earlier met with, dead. Natsu goes to apologize to Yukino for thinking ill of her, whereupon he learns of the disgraceful way she was kicked out of Saber Tooth. As such, he decides to challenge Saber Tooth's Master Ziemma.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In terms of content, Fairy Tail Volume 33 provides some interesting stuff, but also some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen Mashima-sensei do.

Mashima-sensei suddenly retconning things so that all Dragon Slayers are cursed with motion sickness is pretty typical for him. In this case, the amusement of having Natsu, Gajeel, and Sting being sick and failing the running race on the moving “chariot” platforms trumped everything. Mashima-sensei does acknowledge the retcon by having Gajeel question why he's suddenly motion sick when he'd never experienced this before, and by having Laxus's teammates say something to him about this. So, I'll let it ride. ^_~

Since Bacchus had been shown to have that drunken fighter style which meant that folks could never lay a hand on him, Elfman's tactic to adopt a form that would cause Bacchus to damage himself is good thinking, but dodgy writing at the same time. At some point, one would think that Bacchus would realize that taking more damage than he was dealing is a losing proposition and would settle for a draw. But, he basically beats himself to death, allowing Elfman to get rare praise from Erza (a nice moment to be sure) and admiration from Evergreen. Plus, Elfman's bet with Bacchus protected his sisters and caused Quatro Cerberus to be referred to as Quatro Puppy, which is humorous.

Mirajane's battle with Jenny caused my eyes to roll since it was basically pure fanservice. That said, Mashima-sensei does know his audience would not be happy with any tournament contest where Mirajane didn't go into her Satan Soul form to defeat an enemy. Plus, her bet with Jenny did lead to the funniest stuff Mashima-sensei has ever done. More on that in a bit.

Kagura's battle with Yukino comes off fairy cliched since Kagura doesn't unsheathe her sword to defeat Yukino. Still, there's something about a badarse babe with a sword who's so badarsed, she doesn't need to unsheathe her sword to get a win.

I liked how Lucy turned down the offer to take possession of Yukino's Golden Celestial Keys. I still think that eventually, Lucy will end up with all twelve Golden Keys, possibly at the end of this arc, but we'll see.

This thirteenth key that Yukino has wasn't part of the deal, which I find interesting. Why would Yukino be willing to part with two of her keys but not the thirteenth. Actually, why would she want to part with any of her keys unless she's in on this Eclipse scheme. But how could she be since Captain Arcadios apparently didn't know there'd be two Celestial Mages in the tournament? Regardless, it just didn't make a lot of sense to me for Yukino to offer two keys. She should have offered them all if she were going to stop being a mage completely.

Natsu going after Master Ziemma is a fairly cliched moment. I can almost see where this is going, and that was without the aid of the spoiler preview of the next volume at the end of 33.

Finally, where Mashima-sensei scores a massive win on the humor front is in the "silent" omake chapter where Wakaba and  Macao buy Sorcerer 3D in order to see Jenny naked in 3D. However, both are horrified when they discover the issue also has Eve, Ren, Hibiki, and Ichiya (front and center) naked. Macao's woes are added to when his son Romeo comes in to see the naked, 3D Ichiya there. A similar event awaits Wakaba, when his wife and daughter catch him looking at the same image.

I have to say, this omake chapter makes me laugh even now. The looks of horror on Macao's and Wakaba's faces after they went from seeing Jenny to seeing Ichiya and his crew is so priceless. While the joke of having others walk in on the guys as Ichiya is out there for all to see is cliched, it just adds to the humor of the initial horror.

As an aside, I'm not sure what to make of Freed's reaction to Eve, Hibiki, and Ren's nudity. ^_^;

On the Kodansha side of things, I'm not very happy. The hybrid adaptation really made my head hurt this time. They might have snuck it over on me had they not used Western honorifics, but the moment I saw Yukino saying "Miss Lucy", it was red alert time. I had thought that a simple -san honorific was replaced with Miss, but imagine my surprise when I discovered that Yukino was addressing Lucy as "Lucy-sama". Further investigation revealed that Yukino addresses EVERYONE with the -sama honorific.

Seriously, that completely changes Yukino up for me. When she's just being casual with everyone, it is one thing. When she's being so reverent to everyone, then that is another person completely. Clearly, Mashima-sensei had Yukino use the -sama honorific as a literary device, but hey, we ALL know that a fantasy title must NEVER have filthy, disgusting Japanese honorifics in them. Sometimes, I'm surprised that Kodansha doesn't just translate names (You know, 'cause Japanese names in a fantasy title? Unforgivable!), except I believe Yukino's name is written in katakana, not kanji (so there's no definition per se).

Still, once my eyes have been assaulted thusly, then the other things that I usually give a pass on start irritating me as well, such as Lissana not addressing Elfman or Mirajane properly (Elf-niichan, for example, rather than "Elf"). Then there was Juvia's fantasy sequence where this adaptation had her saying, "How could Gray do that to me?!" Except Juvia would NEVER, EVER, EVER say "Gray" without the "-sama" honorific, even in a fantasy sequence. Turns out, she apparently never used his name, but hey, up yours reader! "We'll add his name the way it is SUPPOSED to be used because we aren't slant-eyed gimboid gits in America!"

Of course, once the dung starts rolling downhill, it gets larger and larger. After learning that in Yukino's and Kagura's fight, the two basically just said the equivalent of "pleased to meet you" (vs. "Fight well," "And you."), I decided that I better quit looking or I'd just stop buying the manga completely.

Yes, I know this is a dead horse issue and yes, I know that for most, they won't give a rat's keester, but we all have our weaknesses and pet peeves, and the removal of Japanese honorifics and rewritting of text because, "Well, I think the characters should say 'this' rather than what they say 'cause what I came up with is cooler" is one of mine.

I will say that I do appreciate the Japanese attack names being retained as well as the Japanese name of Kagura's sword. I just wish the editorial decision to make the adaptation hybrid hadn't been made.

Otherwise, the usual extras are here, including a couple of pages of translator notes.

Manga-wise, I like this volume. Kodansha-wise, I don't like what's being done.

Sunday 22 December 2013

KILL la KILL- 12 (MC Nui sez, "Can't touch this!")

キルラキル episode 12
KILL la KILL ep. 12 SPOILER Review


With Uzu out of the way and Nui revealing she killed Ryuuko's father, Ryuuko becomes furious, ignoring Senketsu's warnings. Nui snags a Banshi thread from Senketsu, but since he has other such threads, he does not fall apart. Nui is impressed as she recounts her encounter with Dr. Matoi, who'd been sent there to investigate his work. After learning his lab coat contained seimeiseni threads, Nui unleashes on him. Dr. Matoi reveals his secret weapon - Tachikiri-hasami, the giant seimeiseni cutting scissors. After taking one hit from it, Nui easily avoids it, then takes it from Matoi and stabs him. Nui gets distracted when Ryuuko comes home, allowing Matoi to take half the scissor and remove Nui's left eye. She butchers him for it before fleeing the scene.

This news causes Ryuuko to lose control, overwhelming Senketsu, both of whom transform and go berserk. Realizing what Nui is after, Satsuki heads down to intervene. When Mako learns that Ryuuko will die from blood loss, she races out to stop her friend, hitching a ride with her family, who'd just arrived to witness the battles. Satsuki orders the elite four to evacuate the students while Tsumugu goes down to try to stop Ryuuko. Satsuki activated Junketsu, while Nui continues to battle the berserker Ryuuko. When Tsumugu shows up, Nui is easily able to avoid his rain of special needles before he turns his attention to Ryuuko. Nui decides to remove this interference, so Tsumugu flees, leading Nui into a massive, explosive trap, which does not harm Nui.

Satsuki arrives at where Ryuuko is, where she scolds Nui for her revenge motivation in attacking Ryuuko. Further, Satsuki scolds Nui for not noticing Senketsu back then because she was caught up with Tachikiri-hasami. Satsuki yells at Ryuuko to get control, which Nui says in impossible. Satsuki has Nui back off with her sword, then battles Ryuuko. Since Ryuuko is being consumed, Satsuki has the advantage. Going for a final clash, Satsuki is forced to hold back due to Mako's determined effort to reach Ryuuko. Nui comes to stop it but Satsuki stops her, allowing Mako to reach Ryuuko and return her to normal. Ryuuko bans Nui from school, though Nui has no intention of obeying. Sometime later, Ryuuko approaches Satsuki, who reveals her role in Isshin's death, and how Ryuuko helped her perfect her Goku robes in order to take out opposition schools.


Ah, the fun of KILL la KILL, eh? I guess we now know why Nudist Beach were so worried about Senketsu.

Unknown made this comment regarding my theory that Satsuki is raising an army against her mother.

Ryuuko is, in a way, a one-person live-fire testing. She is easily the most powerful opponent Satsuki has at this point, someone perfect to test your weapons and tactics against. She pretty much set it all up in the third episode after her fight with Ryuuko. She told Ryuuko to fight her way through her army and thanks to that she could manipulate Ryuuko to cleanse her army of weaklings and to test various weapons and uniforms she produced.

Satsuki confirmed she's been using Ryuuko to test and improve her Goku robes. No wonder Satsuki was not troubled by Houka conceding the match so that he wouldn't lose that precious data.

As usual, Satsuki was awesome here. She may have been disgusted with Ryuuko losing control as she did, but she wasn't going to allow Nui to kill her. It wasn't until Satsuki realized she wasn't going to reach Ryuuko with words that she decided to put an end to her, which despite being a loss of an asset (I strongly believe Ryuuko and Satsuki will be allies down the road), would still be a win of sorts for Satsuki as it would have her dispatching a problem for her family.

Satsuki continued to show her samurai honor in this episode, not only in the way she'd be the one to kill Ryuuko, but in how she had the Elite Four get the students to safety. Then, when Mako comes "swimming" in, Satsuki holds back on the killing blow, instead turning her blade on Nui to make sure Nui didn't interfere. She wanted Mako to succeed in restoring Ryuuko's sanity.

I do find Satsuki's chat with Ryuuko at the end of the episode to be interesting. Despite everything, Ryuuko is still bent on getting revenge and wants Nui, even though no one even touched her in the earlier battle. Satsuki knows that Ryuuko can't take Nui, so she has Ryuuko focus that anger and rage back to herself, since she was the one Ryuuko was after in the first place. Ryuuko has to learn control over her emotions, and I think Satsuki is about to teach her that.

Nui, on the other hand, is something else completely. Not only is she sadistic, as seen in how she butchered Dr. Matoi after he took her eye, but she's pretty much untouchable, more impressive when you consider the eye loss. To be honest, I think that the only reason Nui backed off when Satsuki demanded it wasn't fear of Satsuki, but the fact that "Satsuki-sama" is part of the Kiryuuin family, whom Nui serves. If I'm right and Satsuki goes against her mother, I don't think Satsuki could defeat Nui on her own.

As for Mako, well, Mako is Mako, and in her own way, awesome as well. Seriously, after being burned by Ryuuko's berserker form, she gets happy because she got a free tan. ^_^

This series really continues to surprise me with how it shifts things up constantly, while still providing certain elements fans want, including Ryuuko's second clash with Satsuki. I look forward to the next episode with great anticipation.

Friday 20 December 2013

UQ Holder Chapter 16 SPOILER Images (Update #3!)

Here is the first SPOILER image from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 16, courtesy of the VERY gracious Southrop.

**********UQ HOLDER CHAPTER 16 SPOILERS**********

The chapter 16 sweetness begins.^_^

Apparently, a lack of footwear is important in performing shundo. Yeah, don't recall that element being an item in Negima! ^_^;

That's it for the moment. If there are more, I'll make an update. ^_^

Update #1: Kuroumaru.

Update #2: Kuroumaru is apparently without gender as a member of the crow tribe until 16.

As an aside, while I had thought Kuroumaru might be karasu-tengu based on the whole "I look female, Karin says I'm female, but I'm actually male," having Kuroumaru actually be gender neutral (sexless) was an earlier thought of mine.

If more UQ Holder chapter 16 spoiler images come up, I'll make additional update(s).

Update #3: These should be the last of the chapter 16 spoilers.

Thanks again to Southrop, who just lost his beard, for providing these. He has spoiler notes for UQ Holder 16 for those interested.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Hayate the Combat Butler Manga - Prototype Chapter Review

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku 
Hayate the Combat Butler Prototype Chapter Review


Since Hayate the Combat Butler is on a break this week, I thought I'd go back to the origins of this manga series that I enjoy so much.  Prior to the manga fans of Hayate the Combat Butler know and love being done, a thirty two page prototype manga of the same name (Hayate no Gotoku in the Japanese) was produced. I admit, I'm not too versed on its history (anyone who does know, please feel free to enlighten me in the comments), but it appears that this prototype manga was published in magazine form at some point in time. Whether that was prior to the actual manga's publication, or whether it was published as part of a celebration of the manga series as a way of saying, "this is where it all started," I cannot say.

Regardless, I thought I would compare this prototype manga to the start of the canon Hayate the Combat Butler manga and write a review.

The premise of the story is the same, but there are a lot of differences. For starters, Hayate has the debt from his parents as he's standing at the lot where his house used to stand. He's being chased by the yakuza; he can't get a job due to not having a legal residence; he has ¥120 to his name; and he decides to go into crime by kidnapping an ojousama, figuring that even if he fails, prison has a bed and food.  Naturally, he meets Nagi at the park, where he sends the two bozos who are trying to hit on her packing for going after his target.

This is where things really start to change. After Nagi thanks Hayate for saving her, she then asks him how to use the vending machine. I laughed when Hayate showed Nagi a ¥100 coin, to which she said she'd never seen such a thing. So rather than give up his coat to her (she is wearing one here), he buys her a beverage with the last of his money before proceeding to tell her a lot of exposition to establish the plot (his debt, the yakuza, etc.). Nagi finds him to be a good person, even laughing when Hayate confesses he'd planed to kidnap her. Nagi finds this confession of Hayate's as further proof that he's a good person.

This is where things start getting a little odd to me in terms of plot. Obviously, Hata-sensei wants Hayate to be Nagi's butler, but how he gets the characters to that point doesn't ring true.  For starters, if someone said, "I was going to kidnap you" after they'd bought you a beverage with their money and then showed you how to drink said canned beverage, would you want to invite them over, even if you are super rich?  Yet that's exactly what Nagi does here.

How they get to the Sanzenin estate is not show, but they arrive, Hayate is stunned, and Nagi brings him in. Now enter Maria, who is not happy that Nagi just left a party and has been gone for a while. At Nagi's word that Hayate is her benefactor, Maria immediately accepts him and she too wants to show gratitude to Hayate. This too comes off as an unnatural reaction.

Now that Hata-sensei has Hayate in the Sanzenin mansion, it is time to bring in the yakuza element and kidnappings as Maria warns Nagi to be careful after some yakuza were in the area screaming about selling a kid's organs, so they couldn't let him get away. But how to get Hayate in as a butler? Ah, just have Maria listen to Nagi wax poetically about her savior, Hayate.  So Maria offers him the job of butler, since they just happen to have a position open. Naturally, Hayate accepts. *lol* Yeah, it is pretty silly.

Ah, but in the early days of the manga, there was another person who was supposed to play a larger role -- Klaus!  The head butler arrives on cue and wants to know why she'd hire someone they know nothing about. Her reasoning? He was in trouble and Nagi had fallen in love with him. Her amazing insight tells Maria that Nagi's love will be unrequited as Hayate doesn't seem to be interested in younger girls. Hoo!hoo!

As silly as that notion is, I did find the twisted side of Maria to be amusing. She was looking forward to seeing this drama unfold as Nagi would be troubled by the fact that Hayate never fell in love with her.

So Hayate now is a butler in the Sanzenin household. Maria's twisted nature comes to life again as Hayate confesses to not knowing how to be a butler, to which Maria says bluntly that if he can't hack it, he'll be fired. Hayate's response of working until he dies and Maria's "I'm looking forward to it" response cracked me up though. ^_^

Maria sets the stage for the romantic angle of the manga by asking Hayate to support Nagi's heart. We learn of Nagi's many enemies due to her position, which has led to her isolation. Since Hayate understands being isolated, he can relate, and Maria then asks him to protect Nagi. As such, Hayate tells Nagi that he'll always protect her as that's his new mission, so all she has to do is call his name and he will appear.

After blowing off the idea of really being kidnapped, Nagi is kidnapped, causing Maria and Klaus to be in a panic. Hayate grabs a bike, conveniently parked on the sidewalk, where like in the canon manga, he then goes after the kidnappers at an incredible rate of speed. Nagi is not the composed, sarcastic girl of the canon manga since this version of the character has not been through various kidnapping attempts.  But, she does call for Hayate, who appears as he did in the canon.

Hata-sensei goes for the gag as he has Hayate run over (which is pretty similar to the canon), whereupon he falls on the hood of the car. However, Hayate doesn't have that "I'm going to kill anyone that harms Ojousama" air to him. The two kidnappers simply panic because some bloodied guy that should be dead is on their car asking for Nagi's return.

Having saved Nagi's life, Maria and Klaus arrive. Nagi gets mildly annoyed by Hayate getting excited to see Maria again and his excited explanation to her of why he's so strong and durable.

As I look back, it really is quite amazing how much improved Hata-sensei's canon work became over his prototype manga. Rather than just making wild leaps in order to get the characters into places he wanted and to make certain information known, in the canon, Hata-sensei manages to get the flow of things correct, so that things happen in a logical way. We, the audience, are already expected to believe that Hayate is virtually indestructible as well as incredibly strong and fast. Therefore, adding to that by Maria magically knowing Hayate's feelings for Nagi and the like in the prototype was just too much.

Since I'm a big fan of the Hayate the Combat Butler manga, I'm really glad I had an opportunity to see the manga's origins. Although the canon chapters that superseded the prototype are far superior, there's no denying that for me, I found the prototype chapter to be rather fun.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Genshiken Second Season Volume 03 (12) Manga Review

げんしけん: 二代目/Genshiken Nidaime
Genshiken Second Season Volume 3
Genshiken Volume 12

--> Purchase from RAKUTEN (formerly BUY.COM)
--> Purchase from BARNES & NOBLE
--> Purchase from RIGHTSTUF!
--> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Japanese tankoubon) 


Highlights from this volume have Rika play a joke on her Genshiken friends by having her tall, athletic, tomboyish, younger sister Risa drop by to pay a visit and pretend to be a boy. Rika's revealed to be a year older than she appears. Kenji's Hato-chan appearance nearly gets him in trouble at school. Risa, Rika, Kenji, and Yajima have a party at Rika's place. The party eventually goes to Kenji's place, where Risa discovers Kenji is just her type in the naughty area after the girls accidentally see Kenji naked getting out of the shower.

Kenji struggles with how his art changes from when he's in drag to when he's dressed normally. Ogiue struggles with how to best accommodate Kenji's art for the club publication she's working on.  While at Madarame's house to change, Kenji discovers Madarame has a trap-themed H-game, and that it is the one Kousaka had been promoting in cosplay drag. Madarame comes home, where he and "Hato-chan" have a chat about the game and Kenji's art style. Ogiue calls a meeting of Genshiken to discuss the forthcoming school festival and the group's publication, so she solicits stories of high school romance from them, getting what she should have expected from otaku-type people.

Although I've already chapter-blogged everything in this volume, rereading things as a volume is always good.  That being said, this volume did remind me of how weary I am of Kenji's whole story. I really want that to be wrapped up and the focus shifted elsewhere, but that's just me.

Rika's younger sister Risa ends up being the standout in this volume. I like her character for some reason. She's not annoying like Rika can be. Oddly enough, Kio-sensei making Risa have shoutacon tastes, complete with the "slick and smooth" aspects that come with it is a way he could explore the underage fetish (specifically lolicon) without the creepy factor. If Rika had an older brother who was into lolicon stuff, folks would likely not be down for that. But, if it is a girl into the younger boy types, well, that's different.

I do hope that Risa does return in the future as a member of Genshiken. Her presence and interest in Kenji might make for something interesting.

I did like getting a glimpse into Yajima's past and a boy who'd caught her eye after he spoke to her about her art.

I laughed when it was revealed that Kuchiki had a girl confess to him in high school. Granted it didn't last long, but just the idea that a girl would be into him as weird as he is.

The Kenji-Madarame chat was pretty "meh" to me. I know it is setting up what's to come, but still, I'm so weary of Kenji that I just don't care about anything he has to say for the most part.

On the Kodansha Comics side of things, it is the usual stuff. The Japanese honorifics are retained, and thankfully, the more otaku terms are retained as well. The translator notes are good as various parody references are cited. I really appreciate that. The various 4-koma strips are still here as is the 2-page omake manga. I don't know if anything is missing since I don't own the Japanese tankoubon version.

Genshiken isn't what it used to be, but it is fine for what it is. Though I'm weary of the Kenji drama, on the whole, I still enjoy the series a lot.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Genshiken Nidaime Manga Chapter 94 Review (Time to face reality.)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 94 Manga Review
Genshiken Nidaime chapter 94 Manga Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Kaminaga does her formal greeting to the Hato family while Ichirou joins Kenji (Kenjirou) on the roof to help remove snow.

Sometime later, Kenji is in his room reading when Kaminaga drops by with her adult beverage. When he calls her "Kaminaga-senpai", she teasingly corrects him by saying "neesan" (sister-in-law). She tries to get him to join the gathering below, but he's reluctant, since he knows his parents would not approve of his activities in Tokyo. So, she closes the door behind her to sit with him in his room, but is disappointed when she learns all of his BL materials are in Tokyo.

Kaminaga promises not to reveal Kenji's cross-dressing secret, and he ends up revealing that he may have fallen for another guy. Kaminaga is excited about this and asks him what he's going to do about it. Kenji switches to his female voice to partially blame her for the cross-dressing and the like. She gives him some BL advice, which he's not thrilled with, so instead, she arranges for Kenji to meet up with his female, high school, BL friends Konno and Fuji.

The trio make small talk and the girls promise to not tell anyone about Kenji's cross-dressing. Fuji starts getting frustrated with Konno, since she has feelings for Kenji, but is having Fuji to all the talking. So, Konno manages to suggest discussing BL. However, when Kenji agrees to this, Konno suddenly doesn't want to discuss it with guys. Kenji opens up some on his cross-dressing.

Since it is clear that Kenji is troubled by all of this, Konno suggest him giving up on the BL and cross-dressing, or just leaving Genshiken. After all, one's hobbies shouldn't be a source of trouble. Kenji agrees with this, but has one more bombshell - there's someone he likes, so for now, he's not quitting. This news shocks Konno.

After they leave the restaurant, Fuji tells Konno that it didn't sound like Kenji was dating anyone and Kenji understand that in the end, he couldn't tell them he'd fallen for a guy. When he comes home, he's planning to return to Tokyo. He discovers a drunk Kaminaga "steaming from BL excitement" over some of Ichirou's friends doing judo stuff.


Although I've long grown weary of Kenji's storyline with his various "whatevers", I did think this was a pretty interesting chapter.

I had hoped that Kaminaga's arrival at the Hato home would be where Kenji (yeah, I know his name is Kenjirou, but since Kaminaga calls him "Kenji" at times, so am I) concedes to having been attracted to her. To me, there were certainly indications of this, culminating in Kenji making himself look like Kaminaga when he went into trap mode.  The closest we came to that was Kenji basically laying the blame for the current mess in his life with BL and cross-dressing at her feet.

Kaminaga's seeing everything through BL lenses makes me wonder what Ichirou saw in her.  Yeah, I'm sure she's attractive to him, but based on what little we know, it just seems like such an odd pairing.

Then again, Kaminaga shows that despite her fujoshi mindset, she can still come off in a very traditional sense, as seen by how she respectfully did the traditional greeting & bow on her knees to her future in-laws. She also made her hair black (presumably its original color) in order to become more acceptable.  So she probably keeps her fujoshi side low key around Ichirou.

It is a shame that we got the tired (though I admit, realistic) setup of someone who has a chance to confess their feelings to the person they like, only to chicken out in the end. I had rather hoped that Konno would express her feelings to Kenji as that would have made for an interesting situation on his part. Alas, 'twas not to be.

So, now Kenji will return to Tokyo, whereupon I expect Madarame to be healed and we'll go from there. Come on, Sue! ^_~

Monday 16 December 2013

KILL la KILL- 11 (Continue to expect the unexpected!)

キルラキル ep. 11


Ryuuko gets the better on Nonon and decides to go right after Satsuki, but Nonon recovers and prevents Ryuuko from getting to her. Ryuuko appears to have defeated Nonon after their next clash, but as Satsuki notes, Ryuuko has underestimated Nonon. Ira is pleased when Nonon returns for an encore, causing Senketsu to have difficulty communing with Ryuuko and cannot overcome the noise. Ryuuko focuses on communing solely with Senketsu and drowning out Nonon.With Senketsu now able to hear Ryuuko, she turns Nonon's attack back on Nonon, eventually defeating her. Nonon heads to the stands with Ira, Mako, and Houka. Meanwhile, Satsuki's Mom heads out after revealing she's aware of certain things going on.

Uzu comes down to fight Ryuuko, but a blonde girl without a Goku uniform gets in the way, easily stopping Uzu, who ignores Satsuki's urgent warning to get out of there, and defeats him with a single finger by severing his "nexus thread", shocking the other Elite members. The girl, HARIME Nui (Grand Couturier), causes concern to Mikisugi-sensei and Tsumugu. Nui makes a show of getting permission from "Satsuki-sama" to fight Ryuuko, which Ryuuko has no problem with. Satsuki has to sit, where her butler serves her tea. She realizes her mother is involved in this and that it is in Ryuuko's hands now. Ryuuko is surprised by Nui, but when Nui pulls out a scissor sword and confesses to killing Ryuuko's father, Ryuuko loses it.


Heh! I had thought that Ryuuko and Satsuki would end up on the same side. That's not there just yet, but clearly, Satsuki is relying on Ryuuko to deal with a Nui.  More on this in a bit.

I rather enjoyed how untroubled Satsuki was when Ryuuko went after her. She didn't really show any emotion to anything Nonon did, but either she felt that her Kamui would protect her, or that there was no way that Nonon would fail to intervene. I prefer to see it as the later one since Satsuki clearly understood Nonon.  I did like that Ryuuko went after Satsuki when the window opened. ^_^

The use of the encore as a means of Nonon not being defeated made me laugh. Again, these unexpected elements is one of the things I like about this series.

Again, Nudist Beach's fear of Senketsu is not making a lot of sense due to a lack of information. Yes, Ryuuko and Senketsu are getting more powerful as they come up with strategies to overcome situations, but that's apparently a bad thing to Nudist Beach. Maybe we'll find out why down the road.

I also laughed at Uzu's fight with Ryuuko being thwarted a second time. If what I suspect is true, I doubt Ryuuko and Uzu will ever square off again in a serious way as they have in their previous encounters.

This brings me back to Nui. At the moment, I have no reason to believe that she's not telling the truth about being the one to kill Ryuuko's father. She has the scissor sword, easily confesses to the crime, and is so skilled, the 3-star Goku robes are nothing to her. Indeed, Nui is so strong, she doesn't wear anything but her cutesie, idol outfit.

I'd previously speculated that maybe Nudist Beach would be the ultimate villains in this series and that still may be the case. However, at the moment, I think that the army Satsuki is trying to raise is for use against her family, specifically her mother. I base this on Nui being tied to Satsuki's mother, and Satsuki having the negative reaction to Nui, as if she could thwart Satsuki's plans.

Anyway, the unexpected elements here are fun, and the plot keeps me interested as well. Looking forward to more.

Sunday 15 December 2013

No New UQ Holder This Week

It is that time of year in Japan where weekly manga magazines take breaks. As such, there's no new UQ Holder chapter this week. (There's also no new Hayate the Combat Butler chapter either.)  But, I did find this nifty piece of colorized art of UQ Holder folks from meister-armitage.  LARGE IMAGE ALERT!

Anyway, UQ Holder will be back for chapter 16 next week.

Friday 13 December 2013

Fairy Tail Manga Volume 32 Review

Fairy Tail Volume 32 Review

--> Purchase from RAKUTEN (formerly BUY.COM)
--> Purchase from BARNES & NOBLE
--> Purchase from RIGHTSTUF!
--> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Japanese tankoubon) 


Highlights of this volume start with the ghost of the first Fairy Tail guild master, Mavis, showing up to cheer on Fairy Tail (only they can see her). Fairy Tail gets two teams in, with Team A being Elfman, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Gray, while Team B consists of Laxus, Juvia, Mira, Gajeel, and "Mystogan" (Jellal in disguise, put in on the sly by Makarov, but approved of by Mavis). Other guilds participating are Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, Quatro Cerberus, Saber Tooth, and Raven Tail.

The first contest is "The Hidden", which sees Fairy Tail A (Gray) end up with zero points and Fairy Tail B (Juvia) end up with a point. Next is a battle between Lucy and Flare Corona (Raven Tail) in which Flare attempts to cheat by secretly threatening young Asuka until Natsu stops it. When Lucy is about to bring the pain with the help of Gemini, but again Raven Tail cheats and absorbs all the magic from Lucy. After some other matches, "Mystogan" faces Jura from Lamia Scale. However, when Jellal gets to involved in the fight, Ultear has Merudy use her magic to cause Jellal lose the fight so that his cover is not blown.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Well, this was certainly not a volume where much of anything special happened, but it was still entertaining.

Having a second Fairy Tail team in the contest is a cheat, but I didn't mind since it brought in some other Fairy Tail favorites. Unfortunately, when Team B is revealed, Juvia looks like a total badarse, but then she turns into worthlessness. *sigh* I don't mind her being madly in love with "Gray-sama", but I would like for her to get a chance to be awesome again.

I had already been told that Mavis would be returning the the series, which she does in this volume. She's a new scene stealer of sorts, with her childlike attitudes about things at times, but with a definite element of massive power underneath. Having her around will be fun.

The other scene stealer, Asuka, got a bit less face time in this volume (more than her parents though), but she played an actual part in the battle between Lucy and Flare. I liked that.

Lucy looked to get a chance to show some real power, only to get it snuffed. I realize that part of what Mashima-sensei is doing is setting up things for Fairy Tail to come from well behind, but it was disappointing to not have her be allowed to come through.

I was highly amused by how Mashima-sensei caused Jellal to lose, via Ultear and Merudy. I didn't mind his loss since it was cheating on Fairy Tail's part to have him there.

Since Raven Tail is pulling out all the stops to prevent Fairy Tail from getting anywhere, I guess I now know why they targeted Wendy in the previous volume.

Otherwise, not much to discuss story-wise.

There are a lot of extras in this volume. There are breakdowns of all the teams in the Grand Magic Games. The only other time I've seen these power charts used for characters was in School Rumble.  I get the feeling they are used in battle manga.

There are the usual extras -- Mashima-sensei's notes, Lucy and Mira answering questions, fan art, extra art from Mashima-sensei, a few translator notes, and a preview of the next volume. Naturally, Kodansha Comic's hybrid adaptation continues.

As an aside, the Nibley Twins did the translations here rather than the normal William Flanagan, whom was otherwise engaged and could not do the work on this volume. I think he returns next volume. Regardless, with the adaptations now hybrid, it almost doesn't matter who translates it.

In the end, some fun was found in this volume, but not a lot of plot. Looks like the next volume just came in for me, so I'll have to get around to reading that soon. ^_^

Thursday 12 December 2013

UQ Holder Manga Chapter 15 Review (Time for an idiot to learn something new.)

ユーキューホルダー!/UQ Holder Chapter 15 Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

In a jumping contest, Touta jumps far higher than Kuroumaru. Touta is shown to be strong enough to easily lift a large tow truck. In a running contest, Touta is shown to be faster than Kuroumaru. Karin acknowledges Touta is unusually proficient in ki (chi), but she orders Touta to arm wrestle Kuroumaru, in which Touta loses easily. Karin smugly tells him she's next, and she smokes Touta in arm wrestling, meaning Touta is stuck cooking the meals, which the kids appreciate since he's a good cook.

During the meal, Karin concedes that his cooking is quite good, so she suggests he do this for the rest of eternity. Kuroumaru and Karin decide that they should use arm wrestling from now on to determine who will cook. Even though Touta doesn't want to learn shundo, he hates losing, so he decides to take Karin's suggestion to become better at it if he wants to win at arm wrestling.

Touta goes off and practices what he's observed others do, feeling pretty good. However, he's watched by another guy who's irritated by what he observes. He punches Touta, telling him he's got shundo wrong, then tries to explain the basics to Touta. The man points to the dust clouds as proof that Touta is no good at shundo.

After giving a demo, Touta is impressed and decides he has been underestimating shundo. He wants to know what shundo has to do with arm wrestling. After Touta mentions that he's only been doing shundo for a few days after having first seen it a month earlier, the man decides Touta is actually a genius. The man tries to explain how the shundo technique works in regards to arm wresting, but Touta thinks it is a load of crap. The man punishes him for this, then proceeds to show off more uses for shundo, including midair shundo.

With that, the "martial artist Kaito" tells Touta that he'll teach him one of the two shundo tricks for him to master.


Karin pretty much steals the show when she's doing stuff on panel. Her smug look when she told Touta that she was next for an arm wrestling challenge was pretty awesome. Her laying the smack down on him added to that. Then the way she acknowledged his cooking abilities just dripped of snark while being sincere in her compliment. That level of awesomeness doesn't come about every day.

As for Touta, Akamatsu-sensei had already established that Touta pretty much sees something and can instantly do it. With this chapter, Akamatsu-sensei takes the time to spell it out in black and white -- Touta has an abnormal proficiency with ki (chi) usage as well as his abnormal ability to learn things by watching others rather than go through formal training.

Akamatsu-sensei does appear to be shifting Touta's attitude though. Until now, he'd been opposed to learning combat skills. He has trained in some things, like sword usage, but when he was given a chance to learn shundo, he declined. 

Bring in Kaito, who may be a random so-and-so or may be something specific, who happens to be an expert in shundo, sees Touta doing shundo moves in a poor fashion, then takes it upon himself to educate the mindless moron. I'm too tired to speculate on Kaito's motivation, but as far as Touta's concerned, seeing him actually moved to want to learn proper use of shundo is a new development. Hopefully, Akamatsu-sensei will continue to cause Touta to grow as a character.

Finally, I did notice (and thanks to Hata for alerting me it would show up) that Kuroumaru's compliment of Touta's cooking was the equivalent of a marriage proposal in Japan. Karin agreed with the remark, but though Touta is too thick to get such references, it is part of Akamatsu-sensei's setting up a harem of sorts for Touta.

If I'm not mistaken, the manga will have a break next week due to Weekly Shounen Magazine being off, then a chapter around Christmas before another break because of the manga magazine. So, until the spoilers come out... ^_^

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Hayate the Combat Butler Manga Chapter 433 (What!? There's movement in the main plot?)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku 
Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 433 Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Yozora, standing on the rooftop of a nearby apartment tower, observes Yukari-chan House in the dark and makes her report to someone that they can no longer use Ruka as a candidate. With that, she returns to whatever her main job is.

Meanwhile, Ruka reports in to her manager, Atsumari.

August 14 arrives and Nagi announces to the residents of Yukari-chan House that she intends to return to her mansion. Ayumu and Hina want to know what will become of the apartment house while Chiharu and Kayura panic as they have reasons for not wanting to move. Ayumu inquires what will happen with the butler service that is a part of living at Yukari-chan house. Hayate assures her that this won't end as Klaus will move into Yukari-chan House after Hayate returns to the mansion with Nagi. This shocks Ayumu and Hina.

Ah-tan asks if it will be that easy to return to the mansion since Nagi no longer has a King's Jewel. After Hina and Ayumu wonder what these are, they are told that they are precious stones belonging to the Sanzenin family, originating from King Midas. Hayate tells Nagi that he's supposed to know where another stone is, based on what her grandfather told him, but he has no clue. Nagi wonders if he's getting senile, however, she believes that Mikado will help them since he doesn't want to die. After all, there's one person in the world he does not want to gain the Sanzenin inheritance, no matter what.

Yozora puts on a maid uniform to return to her duties to Hisui. Hisui asks if Mikado is planning to bring Nagi back as his successor, which Yozora confirms, provided Nagi acquires a King's Jewel. Yozora states that Mikado doesn't want Hisui to have the treasure, no matter what. Hisui is amused by this as Yozora believes that it is because everyone is afraid of her. As such, Hisui decides they should pay the old man a visit.


Har! Hata-sensei just loves throwing curve balls left and right. I think all of the Hayate the Combat Butler fans were expecting him to launch into gag chapters (I know I certainly expected it), but he then goes and advances the main plot a bit with interesting tidbits to boot.

Yozora's return was a massive surprise, but a welcome one. As I recall, Yozora was last seen in chapter 370, when they discovered the coffin in the hidden room at Yukari-chan House, after which Isumi put up wards to keep Yozora out.

In a weird way, Yozora turning out to be a maid didn't surprise me. In the world of Hayate the Combat Butler, Hata-sensei has primarily filled it with rich and powerful people, as well as those who support them.  Obviously, Yozora worked for someone, so considering this world with lots of butlers and maids, it kinda makes sense to me that Yozora's primary job would be that of a maid.

That being said, having Yozora be the maid of Hisui did surprise me greatly. She first got mentioned by name in chapter 384 as the person who'd likely get the Sanzenin inheritance if Nagi didn't get it.  Her first actual mention (not by name) is in chapter 136 in volume 13. Since Jenny is Hisui's sister, and Jenny was with Nagi in Africa when they found Tama (along with Isumi, whom I believe is the one who caused Tama to speak and think as a human), I suspect that Hisui was also on that trip, considering that Nagi referred to Hisui as a friend of hers.

What's funny about Hisui showing up is that on one hand, she's a new girl in the mix to replace Ruka (after a fashion, mind you). A new character is what I've seen some fans state an absolute objection to seeing in the manga. Yet technically, while this the first time we've seen her, the fact that Hisui has clearly been in the mix for however many years now means that she's really not a "new" character. Maybe that's why I'm not seeing anyone complain about her showing up.

The question becomes, "Why is Mikado so opposed to Hisui gaining the inheritance?"

Knowing Hata-sensei's penchant for tossing important pieces of information into what appear to be throwaway gag moments, this means going back and reexamining Nagi's flashback of Jenny. Despite being depicted as an adult, Jenny is said to be four. Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, but Hata-sensei did mention that Jenny had ninjutsu powers, with which she was able to hear the tiny Tama tell her what had happened to his mother (she died). That led to Nagi being irritated that Jenny hadn't used said abilities to defeat the creatures chasing them (that was done by Isumi without Nagi's knowledge).

Let's assume for the moment that Jenny is in fact a ninja, or at least has some training in the ninjutsu arts. If that is true, and it is also true that Jenny is the younger sister of Hisui, then the reason Hisui is feared is that she too has ninjutsu training. Then, taking into account Yozora's abilities, it would appear that she too has ninjutsu training or some other mystical training/enhancement, considering how she's able to battle Hayate, easily defend herself against Isumi's magical attacks, and how she can make one of those ninja-like quick escapes across the rooftops.

As an aside, it really is hard to take any of the ninjitsu discussion seriously, namely because it was a gag moment in chapter 136, complete with youkai, other monsters, carnivorous animals, a unicorn, and even a ravenous panda (which still makes me laugh). Plus, this is a memory from Nagi's childhood, so maybe she is embellishing a little. However, to date, whenever Nagi has had a childhood memory flashback, it is considered as actually having happened as described so...^_^;

Finally, I was surprised that Ruka already received a cameo, but it was needed to show that Ruka had moved out of Yukari-chan House and back to her own apartment. I'm not sure how often Ruka will get future cameos, but I'm pretty sure she will at some point.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Genshiken Nidaime Manga Chapter 93 Review (Otaku with a harem problem.)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 93 
Genshiken Nidaime chapter 93 Manga Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Madarame recalls how at New Year's, none of the girls came to visit. He remembers how Tanaka, Kugayama, and Kuchiki had hung out at his place, reading their doujinshi loot, and discussing Madarame's apparent harem.

Madarame is brought back to the present when Rika and Yajima stop by for a New Year's visit to see how he's doing and to make a report on things since the others are away on holiday. Rika tells him that Angela went back home. Sue was supposed to go back to America as well, but ended up attaching herself to Ogiue when she went home. Kenji (Hato) returns to his home to collect his thoughts. Keiko says she might go out with Madarame if he goes beyond begging her (yakidogeza). Regardless, because they feel guilty about backing Madarame into a corner, everyone has decided to back off for now.

Rika wants to know whom Madarame has chosen, but because he doesn't want to choose, Rika asks if he wants a harem. Madarame explains that after a lifetime of not being popular, suddenly having girls interested in him is something he can't comprehend. Yajima understand where Madarame is coming from while Rika asks if Madarame would like her to decide for him. Her choice is Keiko, since Keiko is the most like Saki, right down to the fact that she's the one whom Madarame is most comfortable around, as evidenced by how he has no trouble talking (arguing) with her.

Madarame tells Rika he's surprised she didn't suggest Hato, considering her fujoshi ways. She says she'd support him if he decides to go for Madarame, more so if Madarame is OK with it., However, she says it is up to him, asking Yajima to back her up.

Kenji is back home, taking the snow of the roof of his parent's home when his brother drives up with Kaminaga. Her hair is now black and she asks him to call her "neesan", meaning "sister-in-law".


Bwah!ha!ha!ha!ha! Madarame becomes the target of his angry otaku friends because three girls and a part-time trap are in love with him. Well, Tanaka wasn't, but Kugayama and Kuchiki were. Jealous so-and-so's. ^_~

(I'm glad Kugayama had a part to play in this chapter.)

Figures that Kio-sensei would cop-out and not have any of the girls or Kenji pay Madarame a visit. It was interesting to choose the usually annoying Rika to pop by as well as Yajima. Rika wasn't annoying here as she laid out what all happened.

The most interesting element in the chapter was how Kio-sensei elevated Keiko up. In all of this shipping discussions I've seen, Keiko is usually put at the bottom of the list, which Madarame even mentions as her being the last choice one would expect. The element that has never come up in the discussions is how Keiko is the closest in to Saki in terms of how Madarame acts around her. That does make Keiko more interesting on the choice selection list, and should Kio-sensei hook Madarame up with her, he has his explanation as to why it would work for all those Saki shippers.

Me, I'm still a Sue shipper. Her forcing herself on Ogiue is just another form of hiding and running away.

As to Kenji, having Kaminaga return to the story means we should see resolution there, and whether Kenji has feelings for her or not. (I suspect he does, but what do I know?)

Beyond that, I'm not finding a whole lot to discuss. I hope I can read chapter 94 soon.

Monday 9 December 2013

Fairy Tail Manga Volume 31 Review

Fairy Tail Volume 31 Review

--> Purchase from RAKUTEN (formerly BUY.COM)
--> Purchase from BARNES & NOBLE
--> Purchase from RIGHTSTUF!
--> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Japanese tankoubon) 
--> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Limited edition Japanese tankoubon w/ DVD) 


Highlights for Fairy Tail volume 31 start with Makarov making Gildarts the new Guild Master, whereupon Gildarts flees, but not before making Makarov Master again and reinstating Laxus. The Tenrou Island survivors learn they need to train up rapidly to make up for lost time, so they pay a visit to Porlyusica, whom Wendy says has the scent of the Air Dragon Grandeeney. Porlyusica is the Edolas version of Grandeeney and has a book of magic given to her telepathically by the dragon to give to Wendy. Fairy Tail starts a three month training regiment to be ready for the Grand Magic Games, but the Tenrou folks plans are thwarted when the Celestial Spirits have them over for a "night" of fun, which translates to three months real time. Merudy, Ultear, and Jellal show up with a plan to help these Fairy Tail members overcome their weaknesses with the limited time left, but they also warn of possible dark danger coming from the games. Two new dragon slayers make their presence known as part of the Saber Tooth guild.  Wendy goes missing on the eve of the games, so Elfman has to substitute for her in the Fairy Tail team of Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Gray.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It is somewhat amusing to me to see Natsu and the others from the Tenrou Island incident having only the strength of average Fairy Tail members (or somewhat above average in the case of Erza and Mira). Granted, it is pretty standard operating procedure in shounen manga for the protagonist to need to train up to get to that next level. However, with Fairy Tail, they already started out strong. They haven't been shown needing to train to get stronger. Instead, the members of Fairy Tail, primarily Natsu, Erza, Gray, and even Lucy sometimes, end up in a situation where they reach deep and do things they've not done before.

However, Mashima-sensei decides to continue to eschew the cliched training arcs by humorously having (some) Fairy Tail members that needed training lose all of their time in the Celestial realm. Still, it was interesting to see that realm, even if reading Capricorn using Western honorifics made my eyes hurt. But I digress...

With the seven year jump, I liked seeing Jellal, Merudy, and Ultear again. This continues Mashima-sensei's love of redeeming characters, which I have no problem with. I like the idea that this trio formed an independent guild (Crime Sorcière). I liked the little moment between Jellal and Erza, though I didn't like the cop-out to avoid their progressing any kind of romance. Yeah, I know - this is a shounen title so we can't have much romance beyond that. *_*

I didn't like the dues ex machina moment for Ultear coming up with a way for Natsu and the others to be able to compete with the reps from the other guilds in the upcoming Grand Magic Games.  But, that's the price paid for the earlier eschewing of Fairy Tail training (though some members not in the games did go through training).

I'm not sure what I think about Mashima-sensei introducing two new dragon slayers (Sting and Rogue).  It seems like this is just another excuse for Mashima-sensei to have another dragon slayer vs dragon slayer setup

The cliched onsen scene made me laugh in cliched fashion. Not only did I chuckle at Erza's nonchalant attitude about the guys joining them, but when she moments earlier attacks the onsen privacy fence for intruders, the fact that Droy got hit in the keester still makes me laugh out loud.

Some questions. What is the Lumen Histoire? What is Zeref's connection to the games? What happened to Wendy?

Finally, there's a scene stealer within the Fairy Tail guild, who's not (yet) a member -- Bisca's and Alzack's daughter, Asuka. Man oh man. *lol* Is Mashima-sensei trying to prove that he's not just obsessed with young women with "huge tracks of land?" ^_~  Still, there's no denying that Asuka is a little cutie. I started looking for her in the background of guild scenes as well as the ones where she's more visible, such as when Makarov carried her on his shoulders.

Seriously, it would be awesome if Mashima-sensei did some exploring of the Connel family, but since this is a shounen manga, combined with Bisca and Alzack are B-team members means I won't see this happening. I can dream though.

On the Kodansha side of things, the usual hybrid adaptation is here (I promise not to rant about that here). The omake stuff is all here, from the Lucy and Mira Q&A, Mashima-sensei's two notes, fan art, etc. There are some translator notes too, which I always appreciate.

Now that the manga goes into a battle tournament mode, I'm not sure how much I am looking forward to the next volume, but I'll read it just the same.

Sunday 8 December 2013

KILL la KILL- 10 (How to use classical music as an "assault" weapon!)

キルラキル ep. 10
KILL la KILL episode 10 SPOILER Review


Just before the next battle starts, Houka recalls the event five years earlier where he hacked into a maximum security company owned by the Kiryuuin family. Although he initially succeeded in crashing the company's stock, he's immediately caught and given a chance by Satsuki to be something more. In the present, Houka transforms his 3-star Goku uniform to continue gathering information on Ryuuko as Ira sits with Mako in the stands for no-star students. Houka is surprised by Ryuuko's not following predicted patterns as she gets in the first hit. However, he uses his uniforms cloaking ability to become invisible, where he attacks Ryuuko at will. Ryuuko and Senketsu come up with a way to find Houka, but before she can land the finishing blow, Houka gives up to save his precious data before joining Ira and Mako in the stands.

Nonon is up next, but she's not happy with Uzu assuming she'll lose. As drum major, she leads her marching band down before transforming in her 3-star Goku uniform to a flying stereo system with massive speakers. She uses "Light Cavalry Overture" as her opening attack music on Ryuuko, cranking it up for the charge portion of the song. Ryuuko is frustrated by Nonon flying outside the battle ring as Nonon thinks back to when she and "Satsuki-chan" were in kindergarten. Senketsu anchors himself to the platform's surface as Ryuuko snares Nonon. However, Nonon starts shattering the ring's surface with the "William Tell Overture", causing Senketsu to lose grip. However, at Ryuuko's request, he develops the ability to fly. This irritates Nonon and causes concern to Mikisugi-sensei, who contacts Tsumugu to say Senketsu is evolving too fast.


I am thinking back through my years of anime watching in order to discover if I can recall a moment where classical musical tunes were used as offensive weapons. At the moment, I cannot recall any such incident. More on that in a bit.

For Ryuuko's second fight, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by Houka only lasting half an episode. Again, Trigger does things to try to avoid being too cliched as they parody the Yu Yu Hakusho type battle tournament setting (and whatever countless other titles have done it, including Negima!).  As such, it was refreshingly surprising to see Houka give up, but with an actual, legitimate reason to give up -- protecting the data he'd gathered on Senketsu.

Houka's flashback to meeting Satsuki didn't have the weight that Ira's or Uzu's had, but it does show how Satsuki constantly set out to find the best of the best for when she founded Honnouji Gakuen.

Nonon starts the third fight with what I considered an awesome entrance since I was in a marching band back in high school. ^_^  Indeed, one year, we played the "Charge of the Light Cavalry" portion of "Light Calvary Overture" as our opening march, so hearing that really brought a smile to my face. I've also played the "William Tell Overture" in symphonic band, so that brought an added element of awesomeness to Nonon's entire fighting style.

Nonon's flashback to having gone to school with Satsuki since kindergarten (explaining why she's the only one to address Satsuki as "Satsuki-chan" rather than "Satsuki-sama") was OK, but it didn't explain what made Nonon an elite. Nonon was shown back then to be an ojousama type in how she got others to do her bidding for in order to please her best friend. I understand Nonon wanting to support Satsuki all the way, but I would have liked to have seen that element that makes Nonon so powerful.

Satsuki's apparently displeasure at seeing how Ryuuko had worked with Senketsu to evolve the uniform so radically in such a short time does make me wonder if she's just jealous of Ryuuko, because Satsuki hasn't gotten to those kind of levels with Junketsu.  With Ryuuko having dispatched two of Elites (three if you consider that she's already defeated Uzu once, but lost once as well), I also wonder if Satsuki is becoming worried.

I still say that Satsuki and Ryuuko will end up being allies. I do think that Satsuki will acknowledge the characteristics in Ryuuko that she respects.

I can't help but wonder if  Mikisugi-sensei &Tsumugu will end up being the ultimate villains of this series. Right now, it is easy to argue that they are worried about Senketsu going out of control, but thus far, we've seen no reason to think it would run amok. That may come later, but I think it would be interesting if Satsuki and Ryuuko end up fighting Mikisugi-sensei's Nudist Beach group.

Finally, I couldn't help but get a chuckle out of Ira deciding to sit with Mako and her reaction to that, followed by Houka's decision to join them and her reaction to that. While those scenes were done primarily for comedic purposes, it also adds to my thinking that this is a type of foreshadowing, implying that Satsuki and her Elite Four will join forces with Ryuuko and Mako.

I've said this before, but KILL la KILL continues to be a pleasantly surprising series for me. I really look forward to watching it each week.