Thursday 17 October 2013

Hayate the Combat Butler Manga Chapter 425 (Nagi's manga confirmed.)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku Chapter 425 Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

To Chiharu's surprise, Nagi reproduces her manuscript and it is much improved. However, Nagi still has to do backgrounds and finishing touches. Nagi is not deterred by this, which causes Chiharu to be impressed.

Ayumu shows up with a way to help Nagi complete her work more efficiently. Chiharu and Nagi are skeptical, but Ayumu sets up a computer system, complete with a monitor/drawing pad. Chiharu wonders whom Ayumu scored this equipment from. She tries to be mysterious, but both Nagi and Chiharu figure this stuff came from Ashibashi-sensei. Not only that, but Ayumu managed to draft a seemingly reluctant Azumamiya to help remotely. Chiharu says it will help, but she's not sure how to use the equipment. Kayura shows up, saying Ruka no longer needed her assistance and sent her to help Nagi. As such, Kayura says she'll train Chiharu on using the computer equipment.

Chiharu says they need another computer. As Ayumu ponders where they can get another machine,  a package arrives with a new computer from the Sadistic Princess of Ise. Nagi feels grateful for all the help and vows to finish this even if it kills her.

Despite all of the odds, Nagi finishes on time and has a stack of her printed manga. Touching the stack, tears start to form in Nagi's eyes. With that, it is time for Nagi to face Ruka.


This chapter can be summed up in a single word -- awesome.

I loved this chapter because Nagi has done the one thing that so many of us may not get to. She not only refocuses on her goal, but she doesn't allow the "what if" thinking to take over and weigh her down with pointless worrying. As such, she's doing her best, whether it is good enough to defeat Ruka or not, or even if Hayate doesn't come back. Nagi is in the "now", which is where she should be.

This is her first time working so hard for something, trumping her work at the cafe.That's why the moment when she touches the stack of her printed work and briefly gets emotional works so well. She earned that moment.

I had no problems with Nagi getting help from Ayumu. In fact, I liked that Ayumu used her connection to Ashibashi-sensei to get Nagi the equipment to help her finish on time. I chuckled at how she even roped in Azumamiya to help. (Man, he's no longer the character he used to be when he had a butler.) It was another nice moment.

I'm guessing that Ah-tan (Alice) is the one who bought the new computer. If so, I've got no problem there either.

The only problem I had was Kayura showing up to help because Ruka sent her to help Nagi. Sorry, but in a competition like this, you don't help your opponent. That was the only weak point of the whole chapter.

That aside, it was just so nice to see that Hata-sensei didn't skip this important last push on Nagi's part to complete things on time. I had thought that this chapter would actually start the doujinshi event, or possibly it would go back to Hayate, Hina, and Kurosu. I'm glad that didn't happen.

Finally, there's Nagi's final product. The cover of her manga isn't very clear, but there's enough shown to confirm once and for all that the doujinshi manga seen in the CTMEOY anime series is the same as the one here.  Awesome. ^_^

So, aside from one minor issue, this was a really good chapter. Can't wait to see how things go fro here.

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