Friday 20 September 2013

UQ Holder Chapter 5 SPOILER Image(s) Update #2

OK, here's the first SPOILER image from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 5.


HAR! The joke continues with Kuroumaru, eh? So, how long is Akamatsu-sensei going to keep that going? ^_~

Thanks to Southrop for the first share. ^_^  If anyone has anymore, let me know.

Update #1

Heh!heh!heh! Who said Eva had lost a step? Plus, she's showing that not even Gilgamesh from the Fate/stay night franchise can hold a candle to her. ^_~

Thanks again to Southrop for this image. ^_^

Update 2:

Ah.  So, 2CH is basing their spoiler images off of the now released MS scan. I do worry that Kodansha will come down like white on rice over full scans coming out so early.

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