Thursday 12 September 2013

Hayate the Combat Butler Manga Chapter 420 (Lamborghinis Have the Trunk in the Front!)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku Chapter 420

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Hayate has clearance to leave Nagi's service for a time, so he informs Kurosu that he's ready. Since Hina has decided to go along as well, Hayate is forced to ride in the trunk in the front of the Lamborghini since it only has two seats.

Nagi is feeling a little down, wondering if she should have asked about Hayate's reason for wanting to make Ruka happy, but she figures that would have resulted in the worst possible outcome. So, Nagi decides to work on her manga since she has to win to get Hayate back.  While she had a 30 page storyboard, she had no manuscript pages completed and nine days until the competition. Worry starts to set in as she knows she has to get this done as storm clouds gather in the sky.

Meanwhile, Ruka is in a meeting with Atsumari to go over the Las Vegas itinerary, but when she notices Ruka is not paying attention, she questions whether Ruka will continue as an idol or not. Ruka asks for permission to take care of something, then heads to Yukari-chan House to see Nagi.

While the storm rages outside, Chiharu sits with Nagi and is impressed with Nagi's determination to see this through despite being sore from walking and being very behind. As such, Chiharu volunteers to help with the finishing touches on the manga. The power goes out, causing Nagi to instinctively call for Hayate. But she sadly remembers he's not there, so Chiharu goes to check the circuit breaker.

Nagi goes out and stands on the engawa (porch) when Ruka shows up with her umbrella.  Ruka explains that she needs Hayate because they have the same pain of having been abandoned by parents and burdened with massive debt. She vows to take Hayate if she wins the competition. Nagi says she won't allow it, even if he loves Ruka, because Hayate is her butler. Ruka counters by saying she'll end his life as a butler by winning the competition.


"Lamborghinis have the trunk in the front!"  *LOL* The double feature gag, with the first one being the setup and the second one knocking it out of the park. My hat is off to you, Hata-sensei. I'm still laughing at that one.

Beyond that gag, there were no jokes, but to be honest, I'm very fine with that. The plot needs to be pushed forward, and the one gag here could be afforded since Hata-sensei needs to move Kurosu, Hayate, and Hina out of the way for now.

Which reminds me, where are the other housemates and the idiot trio? Not that this is important, mind you, but knowing Hata-sensei, he'll pause things to bring them back into the mix.

I think I've hinted at this before, but I'm going to make an early call and make some predictions. First, I think that Nagi will actually create a good manga, as seen in CTMEOY. Second, I think that she'll lose to Ruka in the competition. However, I think that thirdly, whatever Hayate's mission is right now, it will mean Ruka giving up on Hayate.

Since there's nothing more to say about Hayate's mission until we see more, I'm moving to Nagi. I like that Chiharu is helping her on the finished product since Nagi will need it. Maybe Kayura will be able to play an assistant role as well to speed production along.

I also like how Nagi is maturing as a character. She didn't do her normal ranting and raving when she saw Hayate and Ruka together in an obvious romantic setting. She gave Hayate permission to go with Kurosu to help Ruka become happy.  She's saddened at the thought of possibly losing Hayate, but determined to not let that happen.  So, she is "doing the needful," as they say in India.

As for Ruka, she's already decided to continue as an idol, so I suppose Hayate is the icing on the cake from her perspective. Of course, since she's an idol, she no doubt has a no dating policy in her contract, so I don't know how that would work for her.  I keep thinking of White Album. *lol*

Regardless, I'm looking forward to this particular plot thread being wound down, though knowing Hata-sensei, that won't happen this year. *lol*

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